Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wiki dissection KB,MC,VS

What is the purpose of this Wiki?
The purpose of wiki is to help people understand things that they know nothing about. 

When was the last post?
The last post was April,6 at 8:29 a.m.

How was this Wiki created/designed?
This Wiki was designed by different people posing things on it.

What would you add to this particular wiki?
Resources/Links, blogs, and feeds.

What did you learn after reading this wiki?
We learned about disruptive technology and how it works.

If you had to create a wiki with a team what would be the specific topic?
The topic would be apple technology on the iphone 6s.

How can wiki be used in the classroom or in education?
It could be used to find out information about other people and other technology.

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